2015 SABABC Annual Fall Conference
The 2015 SABABC Annual Fall Conference was held on November 6, 2015 at the offices of Deloitte LLP in Langley. This was the first year that the Fall Conference was held in the Valley in it was a huge success with nearly 50 attendees. The presentations included the following:
– Professional Corporations and Taxes by Deloitte LLP accountants
– “Working with Culturally Diverse Clients” by Palbinder K. Shergill, Q.C.
– A Bencher Update by Jeevyn Dhaliwal
– Various recent updates in law by Narinder Kang, Sukhminder Virk, and Sumit Ahuja
The Conference concluded with an engaging lunch discussion on Diversity on the Bench hosted by Perminder S. Tung. We hope to build on the success of the 2015 Fall Conference this year!